Immunize El Paso’s July Back-to-School Vaccination Campaign: A Resounding Success!

July’s Back-to-School Vaccination campaign was a huge success! Our Immunize El Paso Director hit the tv and radio airwaves to encourage parents to bring their children to our clinics for their school shots before school starts.

“Getting children in for their vaccinations is a major priority for us and it should be for parents too. Each school year we see hundreds of children for their school vaccines. Parents who are come in July are avoiding that back-to-school vaccination rush,” said Director Daniel Acosta.

School immunizations refer to the vaccines that are recommended or required for students before they return to school. These vaccinations help protect students and the wider community from various vaccine-preventable diseases.

The specific immunization requirements can vary based on the country, state, or region you’re in, as well as the grade level of the student. Commonly required or recommended vaccines for school-age children might include:

  1. Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine: This vaccine protects against measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles). These diseases can cause serious complications and are highly contagious.
  2. Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP/Tdap) Vaccine: This vaccine protects against diphtheria, tetanus (lockjaw), and pertussis (whooping cough). Pertussis can be especially dangerous for infants and young children.
  3. Polio Vaccine: This vaccine protects against polio, a viral infection that can cause paralysis.
  4. Varicella (Chickenpox) Vaccine: This vaccine protects against chickenpox, a highly contagious viral infection.
  5. Hepatitis B Vaccine: This vaccine protects against hepatitis B, a viral infection that can lead to liver disease.
  6. Hepatitis A Vaccine: This vaccine protects against hepatitis A, another viral infection affecting the liver.
  7. Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine: This vaccine helps protect against certain strains of meningococcal bacteria that can cause meningitis and bloodstream infections.
  8. HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Vaccine: This vaccine helps protect against certain strains of HPV, which can lead to various cancers later in life.
  9. Influenza (Flu) Vaccine: While not always required, the flu vaccine is often recommended annually to protect against seasonal influenza.

Parents and guardians are usually required to provide proof of immunization, which is usually documented in the form of an immunization record or certificate. If your child needs school vaccines, we welcome you to make an appointment: Appointments – Immunize El Paso