Celebrating the Impact of Immunize El Paso: A Special Recognition from Congresswoman Veronica Escobar

This week marked a significant milestone for Immunize El Paso, as the organization was honored with a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition by U.S. Congresswoman Veronica Escobar. The recognition took place at Congresswoman Escobar’s downtown El Paso office, where Immunize El Paso’s Director, Daniel Acosta, and Director of Strategic Initiatives, Ivan Luna, were warmly welcomed.

During the event, Congresswoman Escobar praised the tireless efforts of Immunize El Paso’s leaders and staff in safeguarding the health of the community. “Truly, you all together have saved lives, you’ve improved lives, you’ve protected lives,” she remarked, highlighting the crucial role the organization plays in the fight against vaccine-preventable diseases.

In response, Daniel Acosta expressed his gratitude on behalf of the entire Immunize El Paso team. “We are honored to receive this recognition. For decades, we have worked to immunize our community against vaccine-preventable diseases. We look forward to the future with great positivity as more of our community members put their trust in us for their immunization needs.”

Immunize El Paso is a nonprofit organization that has been serving the El Paso community and surrounding areas for many years, offering low-cost immunizations for both adults and children. With clinics located in East, Central, and Downtown El Paso, the organization has become a cornerstone of public health in the region. As a part of ProAction Inc., a nonprofit that recently celebrated its 29th anniversary, Immunize El Paso continues to make significant strides in improving community health.

The recognition from Congresswoman Escobar is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the Immunize El Paso team, whose efforts have had a profound impact on the lives of countless individuals. As they continue their mission, the future looks bright for Immunize El Paso and the communities they serve.

This recognition is not just an accolade; it is a reflection of the collective effort of everyone at Immunize El Paso. As they move forward, their commitment to protecting and enhancing the health of their community remains stronger than ever. Congratulations to the entire Immunize El Paso team on this well-deserved recognition!

For more information about Immunize El Paso and our services, visit contact us at one of the three El Paso locations.

Weststar Bank Donates $1,660 to Immunize El Paso in a Remarkable Act of Community Support

In a heartwarming demonstration of community spirit and corporate responsibility, Weststar Bank of El Paso, Texas, recently made a generous donation of $1,660 to Immunize El Paso. The funds were raised through a unique initiative that involved bank employees, showcasing their dedication to supporting the local community’s healthcare needs. This act of kindness exemplifies the bank’s commitment to making a positive impact in El Paso and beyond.

The donation to Immunize El Paso was the result of a collective effort by Weststar Bank employees. They came together to contribute to a fundraiser that involved a simple yet effective idea: wearing jeans to work. For each employee who participated in this initiative, a contribution of $5 was made, resulting in a total of $830.

What makes this donation even more remarkable is that Weststar Bank demonstrated its commitment to the cause by generously matching the contributions made by its employees. This matching donation doubled the initial funds raised, bringing the total donation to Immunize El Paso to $1,660.

Jonathan Duran of Weststar Bank presents Executive Director Henry Brutus with a donation check.

Immunize El Paso has played a crucial role in the local community by ensuring timely access to immunizations, especially for those who might otherwise face barriers to healthcare services. Weststar Bank’s Executive Chairman, L. Frederick Francis, expressed deep appreciation for Immunize El Paso’s leadership in serving the community. He emphasized the organization’s role as a vital healthcare resource for those in need.

Quoting Chairman Francis: “Immunize El Paso’s leadership in serving the El Paso community as a vital healthcare resource for those who do not have access to timely immunizations is appreciated in our community.”

Weststar Bank’s generous donation to Immunize El Paso serves as a shining example of corporate philanthropy at its best. It highlights the importance of businesses giving back to the communities they serve, especially in critical areas such as healthcare.

The donation of $1,660 by Weststar Bank to Immunize El Paso demonstrates the power of community support and corporate responsibility. This act of kindness not only provides essential financial assistance to a vital healthcare organization but also underscores Weststar Bank’s commitment to making a positive impact on the well-being of El Paso residents. It serves as an inspiring reminder of the positive change that can occur when individuals and businesses join forces to support their community’s needs.

If you are interested in joining in with Weststar by making a contribution, please visit https://www.immunizeelpaso.org/donate.

El Paso’s Battle Against the Flu: Join Immunize El Paso’s Campaign for a Healthier Season

Every year, as the chill in the air becomes more pronounced and winter coats become the daily attire, another season lurks in the background – the flu season. In El Paso, the community is taking an active stand against this annual adversary. Leading the charge is Immunize El Paso with its comprehensive Flu Awareness Campaign.

Why Flu Awareness is Critical

Although often brushed off as a mere seasonal inconvenience, the Flu is a formidable foe. Caused by the influenza virus, it can lead to debilitating health complications, extended hospital stays, and in severe cases, even death. The importance of being informed and prepared cannot be overstated.

The First Line of Defense: Vaccination

Daniel Acosta, the Director of Immunize El Paso, succinctly states, “The most effective shield against the flu is to get vaccinated yearly.” It’s a simple act that offers extensive protection, especially for high-risk groups. This includes young children, seniors, pregnant women, and individuals with underlying health conditions.

This season, Immunize El Paso is raising awareness and facilitating easy access to vaccines. They have set up multiple Flu Outreach (mobile) clinics throughout El Paso, ensuring that no resident is left unprotected. For those interested, a comprehensive list of these outreach clinics is available.

National Influenza Vaccination Week: Mark Your Calendars

This year’s National Influenza Vaccination Week, from December 4 to 8, is a timely reminder to get vaccinated. Immunize El Paso is fully prepared with a flu vaccine that protects against four strains of the influenza virus, ensuring that residents are comprehensively covered.

Beyond Vaccination: Everyday Protective Measures

While vaccination is vital, daily hygiene practices play an equally important role in flu prevention. Simple acts can make a big difference:

  • Wash hands regularly with soap and water.
  • Always cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid close contact with those showing flu-like symptoms.

Recognizing the early signs of flu can also help in seeking timely treatment. Common symptoms include a cough, fever, muscle or body aches, and a runny or stuffy nose.


As El Paso gears up to face the flu season head-on, each resident has a role to play. By staying informed, getting vaccinated, and practicing good hygiene, we can collectively ensure a healthier and safer community. Join Immunize El Paso in this crucial battle and make this flu season a healthy one.

National Vaccination Awareness Month: The Importance of Staying Immunized

August marks National Immunization Awareness Month, a time to emphasize the significance of vaccinations in preventing diseases and ensuring public health. It’s a reminder that immunity, like many things in life, isn’t permanent. Over time, its protective shield can wane, making us susceptible to diseases we once thought safe.

Our commitment to the community’s health is unwavering at Immunize El Paso. As Daniel Acosta, the Director of Immunize El Paso, aptly puts it, “We have in stock all the vaccines a person will need from when they are infants to the elderly. In July and the first two weeks of August, we witnessed a commendable surge in the vaccination of children. Fortunately, this year has marked an uptick in overall vaccination rates.”

Why Vaccinate?

  • Protection from Deadly Diseases: Vaccines are our frontline defense against menacing viruses that cause diseases like measles, meningitis, hepatitis, flu, and polio.
  • Mitigating Infection Severity: Even if you contract a disease post-vaccination, the severity is often reduced, ensuring fewer complications and a quicker recovery.
  • Achieving Herd Immunity: When a significant chunk of the population gets vaccinated, it paves the way for herd immunity. This phenomenon makes it challenging for the virus to spread, safeguarding even those who haven’t been vaccinated.

Don’t Wait, Vaccinate! By getting vaccinated, you’re not just protecting yourself but also your loved ones. Moreover, you’re playing a pivotal role in shielding those who, due to medical reasons, can’t get vaccinated. This includes individuals with certain medical conditions or those with compromised immune systems.

Visit Us at Immunize El Paso We operate out of three clinics and accept various payment methods, including medical insurance, Medicaid, and Medicare. To get vaccinated, you can schedule an appointment at Appointments – Immunize El Paso or simply walk in. Remember to bring your immunization record; we’ll evaluate it and suggest any vaccines you might need based on your age.

Questions? Vaccines can be a topic riddled with myths and misinformation. If you have any queries about how vaccines function or their impact on the body, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (915) 533-3414. Your health and well-being are our topmost priority.

Stay safe, stay vaccinated!

Immunize El Paso’s July Back-to-School Vaccination Campaign: A Resounding Success!

July’s Back-to-School Vaccination campaign was a huge success! Our Immunize El Paso Director hit the tv and radio airwaves to encourage parents to bring their children to our clinics for their school shots before school starts.

“Getting children in for their vaccinations is a major priority for us and it should be for parents too. Each school year we see hundreds of children for their school vaccines. Parents who are come in July are avoiding that back-to-school vaccination rush,” said Director Daniel Acosta.

School immunizations refer to the vaccines that are recommended or required for students before they return to school. These vaccinations help protect students and the wider community from various vaccine-preventable diseases.

The specific immunization requirements can vary based on the country, state, or region you’re in, as well as the grade level of the student. Commonly required or recommended vaccines for school-age children might include:

  1. Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine: This vaccine protects against measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles). These diseases can cause serious complications and are highly contagious.
  2. Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP/Tdap) Vaccine: This vaccine protects against diphtheria, tetanus (lockjaw), and pertussis (whooping cough). Pertussis can be especially dangerous for infants and young children.
  3. Polio Vaccine: This vaccine protects against polio, a viral infection that can cause paralysis.
  4. Varicella (Chickenpox) Vaccine: This vaccine protects against chickenpox, a highly contagious viral infection.
  5. Hepatitis B Vaccine: This vaccine protects against hepatitis B, a viral infection that can lead to liver disease.
  6. Hepatitis A Vaccine: This vaccine protects against hepatitis A, another viral infection affecting the liver.
  7. Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine: This vaccine helps protect against certain strains of meningococcal bacteria that can cause meningitis and bloodstream infections.
  8. HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Vaccine: This vaccine helps protect against certain strains of HPV, which can lead to various cancers later in life.
  9. Influenza (Flu) Vaccine: While not always required, the flu vaccine is often recommended annually to protect against seasonal influenza.

Parents and guardians are usually required to provide proof of immunization, which is usually documented in the form of an immunization record or certificate. If your child needs school vaccines, we welcome you to make an appointment: Appointments – Immunize El Paso

vaccinated child giving thumbs up

Protecting Our Future: Immunize El Paso’s 2023-2024 Back-to-School Immunization Campaign

Immunize El Paso, a leading provider of immunization services in the El Paso region, has announced the launch of its 2023-2024 Back-to-School Immunization Campaign. This initiative is designed to ensure that all students are up-to-date on their vaccinations before the start of the new school year, a critical step in protecting the health of our community.

The start of a new school year is a busy time for families. Between shopping for school supplies and preparing for a new routine, it’s easy to overlook one of the most important tasks – ensuring your child is fully protected against preventable diseases. That’s where Immunize El Paso steps in. Their annual Back-to-School Immunization Campaign is designed to make it easier for parents to get their children vaccinations.

Immunize El Paso will host a series of vaccination clinics throughout El Paso as part of this campaign. These clinics will be held at various locations, including schools and health fairs, and at different times to accommodate as many families as possible. The full schedule of these clinics can be found on the Immunize El Paso website.

Immunize El Paso encourages all parents to take advantage of these clinics. Vaccinations are a simple and effective way to protect your children from various diseases. By ensuring your child is fully immunized, you’re not only protecting their health, but also the health of their classmates and the wider community.

So, as you prepare for the new school year, make sure to add “get vaccinations” to your to-do list. Together, we can create a healthier El Paso.

For more information about the Back-to-School Immunization Campaign or to schedule an appointment, visit www.immunizeelpaso.org. Let’s make the 2023-2024 school year a healthy one!